Dry Skin Fluorescence Imaging

Dry Skin Fluorescence Imaging When UVA light strikes the surface of the Stratum Corneum (SC), particularly when the SC is dry, the dry corneocytes exhibit strong fluorescence, resulting in the emission of visible light. This phenomenon of UV-induced visible light fluorescence forms the basis of the Visioscan VC 20plus camera (Courage and Khazaka, Cologne, Germany), […]

CLINICAL HAIR GROWTH – EVALUATION METHODS – (NESTE, 2001) Evaluating the effectiveness of hair-growth products and cosmetics on a broad scale heavily relies on subjective assessments and individual satisfaction. Particularly in cases where the benefits are primarily cosmetic, acknowledging the significant influence of the placebo effect and potential biases is crucial. Therefore, prior to these […]
Formulation Challenges – Cosmetics Industry

Formulation Challenges – Cosmetics Industry Scientific Advisor The use of cosmeceutical ingredients has experienced substantial growth over time, and there is a continuous pursuit of new active agents within the cosmetics industry. Although many of these ingredients demonstrate promising outcomes in laboratory experiments (in-vitro data), there is often a lack of clinical data to substantiate […]
Unveiling The Science Behind Skin Care: Exploring The World Of Skin Care Clinical Studies

Unveiling The Science Behind Skin Care: Exploring The World Of Skin Care Clinical Studies Introduction Skincare is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with countless products promising transformative results. But how do we separate fact from fiction? The answer lies in skin care clinical studies. These scientific investigations serve as the gold standard for evaluating the safety, efficacy, […]
Statistical Aspects Of Claims Substantiation

Statistical Aspects Of Claims Substantiation (MAXIMO C. GACULA & SINGH, 1998) Claims on overall performance, liking, preference, and efficacy can be challenged through the Advertising Standard Council of India (ASCI), a self-regulatory system for the industry. Stated claims are supported by data that are statistically evaluated to judge if the experimental results are due to […]
New Developments In Understanding Of Sensitive Skin

New Developments In Understanding Of Sensitive Skin Sensitive skin is a condition of subjective cutaneous hyperreactivity to environmental factors. Subjects experiencing this condition report exaggerated reactions when their skin is in contact with cosmetics, soaps, and sunscreens and they often report worsening after exposure to dry and cold climates. Recent findings support the connection between […]
Baby Care Products For Skin And Hair

Baby Care Products For Skin And Hair The primary care products that come in contact with baby skin are diapers and cosmetics. Baby cosmetics can be mainly subdivided in two groups, namely cleansing and protecting cosmetics. Recently there is an increase in baby care products that contain natural ingredients or fewer ingredients, however non-all-natural products […]
Safety Considerations For Baby Care Products

Safety Considerations For Baby Care Products To bring safe baby cosmetics on the market, risk assessment is a key priority and often includes a broadly recognized iterative four-step quantitative exposure-based risk assessment process (US National Academy of Sciences, WHO and the European Union’s Society Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety and Bureau of Indian Standards IS […]
Sensitive Skin Testing

Sensitive Skin Testing (Patel 2021) (Misery 2023) The evaluation of sensitive skin is useful for assessing the effectiveness of certain products. The “International Forum for the Study of Itch (IFSI) defined sensitive skin as follows: “A syndrome defined by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations (stinging, burning, pain, pruritus, and tingling sensations) in response to stimuli […]
Fundamental of Real-World Evidence Studies

Fundamental of Real-World Evidence Studies The healthcare industry has been relying on traditional research approaches for a long time, but the information gained from these methods often needs to be expanded in scope. Real-world evidence studies have the potential to provide new insights into clinical interventions and patient outcomes, giving us a clearer understanding of […]