
Contact Us

    Personal Details

    Contract Studies

    Primary Skin Irritation
    subjects (clinical testing)

    n=10 no. of samples 
    n=20 no. of samples 
    n=30 no. of samples 

    Cumulative Skin Irritation
    Patch test with sensitive skin subjects (clinical testing)

    n=10 no. of samples  
    n=20 no. of samples 
    n=30 no. of samples 

    Patch test with Normal Skin
    subjects (clinical testing)

    n=10 no. of samples 
    n=20 no. of samples 
    n=30 no. of samples 

    Patch test with Normal Skin
    subjects (clinical testing)

    n=10 no. of samples 
    n=20 no. of samples 
    n=30 no. of samples 

    HRIPT / Irritation-Sensitization (Clinical Testing)
    Patch test with sensitive skin subjects (clinical testing)

    n=5 no. of samples 
    n=10 no. of samples 
    n=50 no. of Subjects 
    n=100 no. of Subjects  
    n=200 no. of Subjects  

    Patch test with Normal skin subjects (clinical testing)
    n=5 no. of samples 
    n=10 no. of samples 
    n=50 no. of Subjects 
    n=100 no. of Subjects  
    n=200 no. of Subjects