
Significance of Biotin (Vitamin B) - Supplement for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reproductive abnormalities, affecting 5% of the population of reproductive-aged women, is a multifaceted metabolic disease linked with insulin resistance (IR). Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones (Androgens) in the body leading to multiple problems. The exact cause is unknown, but this hormone imbalance causes their body to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to get pregnant. Genetic, Environmental factors; especially nowadays poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle are the main reasons for PCOD in women. Every 1 in 10 Indian women suffers from PCOD. However, still women are not aware of PCOS/PCOD. It is vital that every woman should know the symptoms so that they can be identified, and treatment can be sought immediately.

Some of the common symptoms involved in PCOS are as follows. In PCOS the arrested follicles (egg sacs) give a typical appearance on ultrasound. The name polycystic ovaries arise from this appearance of the ovaries though these are not cysts but ‘follicles arrested in growth’. Most women with PCOS have insulin resistance meaning that the body’s cells do not respond to insulin in abnormal manner.

Women with PCOS are also in the risk group of developing type 2 diabetes, which makes them more sensitive to insulin. This is why metformin is often used in the treatment of PCOS. Unfortunately,this medicine has an influence on the reduction in vitamin B12 levels after just a few months of intake and is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of homocysteine. Moreover, the inability to get pregnant and random stillbirth in women with PCOS may also be a consequence of the clinical deficiency of B12. In addition, in patients with hyperhomocysteinemia, stillbirth was observed more frequently than in women with correct homocysteine concentration. The researchers have a hypothesis those vitamins soluble in water that hasantioxidant properties and participate in metabolic transformations as regulators may be supplemented together with a reduction diet, thus being beneficial in the treatment of PCOS.

Biotin Helps to Reduce Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance, inability to utilize insulin hormone is thought to be the main cause of PCOS. A properly balanced reduction diet withreduced GI improves the supply of vitamins in women with PCOS.Biotin (or vitamin B7) is one of the B vitamins.It is also an essential co-factor for a number of important metabolicreactions. For example, it helps the liver and pancreas to manage blood sugar level. Studies have also indicated that biotin or a group of vitamin B is supportive of nervous system health and it may promote healthy Blood fat metabolism.

Benefits of Biotin Supplements:
It is well known that large percentage of women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome also have (IGT) impaired Glucose tolerance. IGT is a pre-diabetic state of disturbed blood sugar that is associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In future it may also increase in developing higher risk Diabetes. Biotin appears to improve glucose tolerance in women suffering from PCOS. Women with PCOS frequently have unhealthy elevations of cholesterol or triglycerides. High doses of biotin reduce triglycerides as well as a “bad” form for cholesterol. The researchers concluded that pharmacological doses of biotin decrease hypertriglyceridemia. The triglyceride-lowering effect of biotin suggests that biotin could be used in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia. Water-soluble vitamins do not require special proteins to aid absorption into the bloodstream and are able to move freely throughout the blood and body cells. Excess amounts are secreted in the urine, preventing a toxic build-up. Vitamin B like: Vitamins B2, B3, B5, and B6 are also very useful for controlling obesity in PCOS by the following ways:

  • Vitamin B2: Processes fat, sugar, and protein into energy. It is also known as riboflavin.
  • Vitamin B3: A component of the glucose tolerance factor which is released every time blood sugar rises, to help keep levels in balance. It is also known as niacin.
  • Vitamin B5: This isessential for fat metabolism. It is also known as pantothenic acid.
  • Vitamin B6: Maintains hormone balance. Balanced hormones are key to maintaining a healthy body weight.

Lastly, folate and vitamin B12 treatments are shown to improve insulin resistance in patients with metabolic syndrome. So, women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be aware of biotin (Vitamin B) supplements.